FTB – Feed The Beast

Visit https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks and find your desired mod

Scroll down to the bottom of the right side of the mod page.
First Observer the requirements. You will need to select a server package with enough resources

Next: Locate the Pack ID and the Latest Version ID

Go to your server panel and select “Startup”
Select the proper Java Version from the “Requirements” above.

Enter the Pack ID in the FTB MODPACK ID box
Enter the Latest Version ID in the FTB PACK VERSION ID box
(You can skip the ID if you do not need a specific version)

Click on “Settings” tab and then select “Reinstall Server”

What do I do first after setting up my server

Please visit our this guide for some of the first things to do with your server. This is where you can find info on how to setup a whitelist so only your friends can join or how to install your first mod. Or general info on how to navigate the dashboard panel.

If you need further setup support please see the step by step installation instructions below or open a Support Ticket