
What is Modrinth

Modrinth is a platform for Minecraft mods and modpacks. Choose Modrinth for its user-friendly interface, seamless mod discovery, and comprehensive mod management tools. It’s an ideal option for players seeking a straightforward and integrated experience when exploring and installing Minecraft modifications.

Some Modrinth mods may require the use of a custom launcher. See our “Extra Resources” page for more info on Minecraft Launchers

Quick Setup instructions

  1. Create a new server and then click manage or select the server from
  2. Once the Pre-installation completes, go to the Startup tab to select your Java version and enter your ModPack Project ID. (
  3. Go to the Settings tab and click Reinstall Server
  4. Go back to the console Tab and click Start to begin the installation.
  5. Once the Install is complete, please restart the server to assure all updates are installed.
  6. Your server is now ready to play. Use use the address indicated in the top right of the screen.

What do I do first after setting up my server

Please visit our this guide for some of the first things to do with your server. This is where you can find info on how to setup a whitelist so only your friends can join or how to install your first mod. Or general info on how to navigate the dashboard panel.

Modrinth specific support can be found on the official website:
If you need further setup support please see the step by step installation instructions below or open a Support Ticket